Giving Tuesday NE MI... Gifts that Mean a Whole Lot Have you ever heard of “Giving Tuesday”? Most likely by now, the answer is yes. This worldwide movement started in 2012, and the Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan (CFNEM) began leading the Giving Tuesday Northeast Michigan charge in 2015. Locally, this 24-hour period after a retail-packed Thanksgiving weekend, highlights the generosity of our communities and the impact that every donation makes. “We were wiping away tears from our faces in awe of the overwhelming support for our area’s youth, and people believing in what we strive to do,” said Boys and Girls Club of Alpena Executive Director, Brad Somers, after learning of his organization’s donations from Giving Tuesday in 2017. “We work in a sometimes thankless environment, and to have the community stand behind us like this brought about so many emotions of joy and thankfulness!” The exponential growth and popularity in the Giving Tuesday movement, and in particular for #GivingTuesdayNEMI, is evident. The Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan and its af iliate foundations raised $31,000 in 2015 (one donation was $10,000); $41,000 in 2016 (the largest single donation was $2,000); and $120,000 in 2017. Continued on page 13 Passion with a Purpose 11 “Whentheactualamountcalled outwasdoubleourgoal,allI coulddowascry.Iwassovery grateful,andfeltsosupportedby thecommunity!” - Katy Conklin, Hope Shores Alliance