Passion with a Purpose 10 In 2017, Joseph Gapczynski donated the 16-acre property to the County of Presque Isle with the agreement the land would remain untouched, save for a few park benches and signage for visitors. To make sure the land can be cared for forever, Joseph then established an endowed fund at the Community Foundation to provide enough funding every year to maintain the land as needed, and provide resources to prepare the land for public use. So many places we visit, sights we enjoy, and memories we make throughout northeast Michigan exist partly because people like Joseph – and people like you – care enough to ind a way to make these things happen. What legacy will you create?  Below: The Gapczynski family at Cash and Jennie’s 60th wedding anniversary - (Jennie and Cash, seated; standing, left to right: Joseph, Leo, Alice and Alphonse)