March 20, 2023
ALPENA—The Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan (CFNEM) recently awarded a new round of community grants covering a four-county area that includes Alcona, Alpena, Montmorency, and Presque Isle Counties. The Board of Trustees recently approved 58 new grants totaling $119,372. Of that amount, $89,972 was awarded in Community Impact Grants, and $29,400 was awarded in grants from the Northeast Michigan Youth Advisory Council (NEMYAC).
New Community Impact Grants are:
- Alcona Local Food Association - awarded $2,225 for the Expanded Community Food Security Outreach and Education through the Alcona Local Foods Association project;
- Alpena County - awarded $3,000 for the Keep Alpena County Clean project;
- Alpena Gymnastics, Inc - awarded $1,500 for Replacement Mat Covers;
- Alpena Montmorency Alcona Educational Service District - awarded $6,692 for the ADA Accessible Playground Equipment and AMA Great Start Collaborative, Baby Connect projects;
- Alpena Public Schools - awarded $2,500 for the Besser Elementary 5th Grade End of Year Trip;
- Alpena Senior Citizens Center - awarded $1,625 for the “Motivate Yourself to Motivate Your Brain” project;
- Alpena Street Performers, Inc. - awarded $500 for the Downtown Street Performer Series;
- Ana’s Treasures - awarded $2,500 for the Ana's Essentials program;
- Bay View Center - awarded $5,000 for the “Project Stay” Housing Displacement project;
- Belknap Township - awarded $1,500 for Belknap Township Hall HVAC Improvements;
- Boys and Girls Club of Alpena - awarded $5,000 for the SMART Moves program;
- Child and Family Services Northeast Michigan - awarded $1,875 for the Magic Book Basket project;
- City of Alpena Downtown Development Authority - awarded $1,500 for the Downtown Alpena Alleyway project;
- City of Rogers City - awarded $3,500 for the Rogers City Police Department speed radar sign purchase;
- CupKids Org Incorporated - awarded $2,500 for the CUPKids – 89,972Bringing Home Missing Children project;
- Friends of the Hubbard Lake Center - awarded $2,500 for the Friends of the Hubbard Lake Center project;
- Friends of Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary - awarded $3,000 for the Community Labyrinth;
- HeadWaters Land Conservancy - awarded $1,200 for the Blackbird Marsh Nature Preserve Entrance Sign;
- Hillman United Methodist Church - awarded $1,185 for the Back to School Bash project;
- Hospice of Michigan, Inc. - awarded $5,000 for the NorthStar Institute Simulation & Skills Lab project;
- Inspiration Alcona - awarded $2,000 for the Huron Artist Residency Collaboration - Community Outreach Project #1;
- Iosco County Coats for Kids - awarded $2,500 for the Coats for Alcona project;
- Iosco RESA - awarded $1,250 for Project Clothed in Kindness;
- McLaren Northern Michigan Foundation - awarded $3,420 for the Justin A. Borra Behavioral Health Center;
- Mikado Township - awarded $2,000 for No Child Without a Christmas;
- Northeast Michigan Center for Fine Arts, Inc. (Art in the Loft) - awarded $3,000 for the 2023 Annual Young Artist Exhibit;
- Pegasus Springs Therapeutic Riding Center - awarded $5,000 for Project Steadfast / Capacity Building for a Sustainable Future;
- Posen Consolidated Schools - awarded $2,000 for the Radio Communication System project;
- Presque Isle District Library - awarded $2,000 for Celebrating History & Culture through the Arts;
- Rayola Inc. - awarded $1,500 for the Supplies for Children in Foster Care project;
- Rogers City Area Fire Department Authority - awarded $1,750 for the Rogers City Fire and Rescue Safety project;
- St. John Lutheran School - awarded $2,000 for the "Let's Make a Splash!" project;
- Sunrise Centre Inc. - awarded $1,250 for the Enhancing Delivery of Evidence-Based Curriculum for Individuals with Substance Use Disorders project;
- Temple Beth El - awarded $500 to purchase an Automated External Defibrillator (AED);
- The Alcona Music Project, Inc. - awarded $1,500 for the WxTF 97.9 U.S. Emergency Alert System Standby Generator project;
- Thunder Bay Transportation Authority - awarded $1,000 for the NEMT Community Transport project; and
- United Way of Northeast Michigan - awarded $3,000 for the Building Capacity in Anchor Counties for a Regional Food System and Run United Elementary Recess Run Club projects.
Grants for this Community Impact Grant cycle come from the Community Endowment Fund, as well as several other unrestricted, designated endowment funds, and donor-advised funds including Alcona County General Fund, Alcona Healthcare Initiative Fund, Ann M. Kuntz Fund for Presque Isle Youth, Huron Shores Health Fund, United Communities of Presque Isle County Fund, Montmorency County General Fund, Wayne Wire Cloth Fund, Presque Isle General Fund, Lewiston Industrial Development Fund, Mr. and Mrs. O.B. Eustis Memorial Fund, CFNEM Spendable Tobacco Fund, Presque Isle County School Endowment Fund, Marianne Kalivoda Hall Memorial Fund, Genite Family Fund, Lappan Family Fund, Neva Nelson Memorial Fund, Panel Processing Fund, Pfeiffenberger Fund, Reitz Family Fund, Stevens Fund, Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Weinkauf, Sr. Fund, Margot A. Dorn Dutcher Fund, and Hall Fund for Northeast Michigan.
Also approved were grants recommended by the Youth Advisory Councils (YAC) of Alcona, Alpena, Montmorency, and Presque Isle Counties:
- Alcona Community Schools – awarded $1,750 to purchase science safety goggles and for the School Forest Ecosystem Restoration project;
- Alpena Childcare & Development Center – awarded $800 for new rugs for the pre-school classroom;
- Alpena Gymnastics, Inc. – awarded $600 for Foldable Incline Mats;
- Alpena Public Schools – awarded $5,831 for three projects: the Besser Elementary 5th Grade End of the Year Trip; Hinks Mackinac Island Field Trip; and Wildcat Robotics - Swerve Drive Components;
- Alpena Street Performers, Inc. – awarded $1,250 for the Downtown Street Performer Series;
- Ana's Treasures – awarded $1,000 for Ana's Essentials Program;
- Boys and Girls Club of Alpena – awarded $2,269 for the Youth Promoting Healthy Lifestyles project;
- Hillman United Methodist Church – awarded $2,500 for Back to School Bash;
- Iosco RESA – awarded $750 for Project Clothed in Kindness;
- Mikado Township – awarded $2,000 for No Child Without A Christmas;
- Onaway Area Community Schools – awarded $980 for Holocaust Survivor Speaker, Irene Miller;
- Posen Consolidated Schools – awarded $2,500 for a Radio Communication System;
- Rayola Inc. – awarded $2,500 for Supplies for Children in Foster Care;
- Rogers City Community Schools – awarded $1,670 for the Updated Seating for Storytime project;
- Thunder Bay Transportation Authority – awarded $1,500 for the Youth Transportation project; and
- United Way of Northeast Michigan – awarded $1,500 for the Run United Elementary Recess Run Club.
The next opportunities for submitting grant applications are through the Northeast Michigan Women’s Giving Circle and Community Impact Grant with respective grant deadlines of July 1, 2023, and July 15, 2023. Applications are available at
The Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan is a charitable organization committed to providing people who care about the future of our area with unique and effective ways of supporting their community now, and for generations to come. Led by a volunteer board of local citizens, the foundation oversees a group of permanent endowment funds from a wide range of donors. Gifts of all sizes from individuals, families, businesses, and agencies are invested in a balanced, well-managed portfolio to build endowments, enabling support for local community nonprofits now and forever. To donate or learn more about how community foundations work, visit or call 989-354-6881; toll-free: 877-354-6881.