NCMCF Youth Advisory Council (YAC) Grants
NCMCF Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is a group of students from Crawford, Ogemaw, and Oscoda Counties. Working with adult advisors, the members learn about philanthropy and how to improve their communities through the grant-making process. Using funds from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the students award grants to local non-profit organizations that are supporting projects and programs that benefit youth under the age of 18 in the three-county area of NCMCF.
Application Guidelines
About your organization
- Your organization must provide benefits to those within the geographic area of Crawford, Ogemaw, or Oscoda County.
- Your organization must be recognized as a non-profit charitable organization under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. (Schools and government agencies are also eligible. Grants to religious organizations will be considered only if they serve the general public and do not have religious overtones of a sectarian nature.) You will be asked for your organization's EIN.
- No grants are made to individuals.
- A representative from your organization will be required to make a brief presentation to the YAC members. You will be notified of the date and location after your proposal has been submitted.
About your project
- Grants are made for future projects only. No funding will be given for projects completed before final board approval. Board approval is the third Tuesday of August.
- Grants are not made for routine operating needs or budget deficits.
- Proposals seeking "seed money" for projects that are new, dynamic, and that show funding support from additional organizations are given stronger consideration.
- If your program has been funded either two consecutive years or two consecutive grant cycles, you are not eligible to apply for this program, though you may apply for other programs/projects within your organization.
Funds available
- Applicants may submit maximum requests as follows: $2,500 for programs in Ogemaw County; $1,000 for programs in Crawford or Oscoda Counties.
- You may apply for funding from each county. Your total requests from all submitted applications may not exceed the total needed for your project.
- Expenses for your project must be incurred after the date of board approval, which is the third Tuesday of February.
- If your organization is awarded a grant, a check for the full amount of the grant will be sent within two weeks of the date of grant approval, provided your organization's executive director has signed and submitted the grant agreement (emailed at the time of grant award notification). Final grant reporting is required.
About deadlines
- YAC grant applications for each county are due by December 15.
- Grants are normally paid within one year of approval. If necessary, a written request may be submitted for a six (6) month extension.
Allocation decisions​
- All allocation recommendations are made by a consensus of the YAC members attending the review meeting. No staff member votes on decisions regarding fund allocations.
- All recommendations for allocations must be approved by vote of the NCMCF Board of Directors at their quarterly meeting in February.
- Highest priority will be given to projects or programs addressing the following youth needs as determined by the tri-annual needs assessment survey:
- Depression / Mental Health Issues
- Stress Issues
- School work / Homework Issues
- Teen Suicide
- Body Image / Appearance Issues
Click here for the full 2022 needs assessment
Budget example
- You may use our budget example to assist you in completing the budget section of your application. (Budget Sample PDF)