The Community Endowment Funds - The Biggest Impact, and Why it Matters
You are a change-maker. You believe in our communities, and you want to make them better. We feel the same way. As your Community Foundation, we spend every day working to improve the lives of all who live in and visit Crawford, Ogemaw and Oscoda Counties. The Community Endowment Funds at the North Central Michigan Community Foundation (NCMCF), built from donations from hundreds of people who care about our communities, allow your gift to do the most good, sustaining and building a vibrant region.
The Community Endowment Funds provide our Community Impact Grants. As the name of the grant implies, this fund is one of the most impactful, and therefore important funds held at NCMCF. It allows us the unique opportunity and flexibility to meet the needs of our communities as they change and evolve year after year. Over $10,000 is awarded annually from the Community Endowment Funds (there is one for each county we serve) through our Community Impact grant program. As these funds grow through additional donations and investment income, the grants will increase as well.
At NCMCF, we believe whole-heartedly in the power of endowment as the best way to provide much needed funding in support of our communities for the needs of today, tomorrow and for generations to come. Years from now, this fund will be supporting needs in our communities we can't even imagine today. Though there's no crystal ball to tell us what those needs will be, the Community Endowment Funds give us the promise that on the sunniest and rainiest days of the future, there will be funds to make sure North Central Michigan is a great place to live, work and play for all of our residents and visitors!
Your donation to one of the Community Endowment Funds, no matter the size, is a gift that will continue to provide funding for our communities forever. Expertly invested with all of the charitable funds held with our lead foundation, the Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan, and its affiliate foundations, you can make the maximum impact with your charitable dollars here.