As caretakers for permanent funds that will long outlast our donors, our staff and our Board of Trustees, NCMCF is here for the long haul. Our donors can be assured that their charitable wishes will also be permanently fulfilled, for if someday the need for a particular fund passes, our board will find the nearest possible use for the money by applying the legal principle of cy pres. For example, a fund set up to help prevent polio in the past might today be used for research on multiple sclerosis.
Creating a philanthropic fund through NCMCF avoids the legal complexity, administrative burdens and compliance requirements of establishing and maintaining a private foundation. As little as $1,000 can establish a charitable fund that will benefit the causes you care about most. NCMCF can accept nearly any type of gift from cash to stock and other appreciated assets.
In addition, when you make a gift to NCMCF you can choose from over 80 funds that directly benefit Crawford, Ogemaw, and Oscoda Counties. To see a list of NCMCF funds and their descriptions, click here.