Standard Fee
1.35% of the net assets in the fund until the twelve-quarter rolling average for the the fund (or a family of funds) reaches $500,000 in assets, at which point the system will automatically change the fee to charge all the assets in the fund a fee of 1%. All “standard” fee funds, no matter the level of assets, will be taken quarterly (1/4 of the total annual fee taken each quarter). This fee is charged to all funds except high admin scholarship and Kellogg funds, pass-through/special project funds, or real estate long-term asset funds.
High Administrative Scholarship and Kellogg Fund Fees
2% of the net assets in the fund for all scholarship funds where CFNEM has the responsibility of determining the recipients and for all Kellogg Youth Funds. These fees will be taken quarterly (1/4 of the total annual fee taken each quarter).
Special Project Fund Fee
2% of each gift received for all CFNEM special project funds. These fees are calculated manually and taken once for each gift. These fees are not taken on a quarterly basis. Special projects are defined as large, short-term projects benefiting a whole community and not just one agency.
Affiliate Special Project Fund Fee
1.25% of each gift received for all affiliate special project funds. These fees are calculated manually and taken once for each gift. These fees are not taken on a quarterly basis. Special projects are defined as large, short-term projects benefiting a whole community and not just one agency.
Real Estate Long-Term Asset Fund Fee
1% for the first year of ownership and .5% for every year thereafter, with any special assessments to be negotiated. These fees are not taken on a quarterly basis.
This fee schedule, previously approved by the CFNEM Board of Trustees, was revised and approved on December 10, 2013